The Power of “Yet”

According to Dr. Carol Dweck, we all land somewhere between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, you believe abilities are innate. You’re either good at something or you’re not. A growth mindset believes abilities can be developed through effort. This mindset spectrum varies by situation. You may have a fixed … Read more

Knowing your “Why” is a superpower

This idea comes from Simon Sinek, and it’s a game-changer. Your “why” is your reason for doing what you do. It’s your purpose, your cause, your belief. When you know your “why,” you tap into a superpower that drives you forward, even when things get tough. Think about those times when you just couldn’t get … Read more

Failure is inevitable (& so is success)

When trying something new, failure is very likely. You’ll probably fail once, twice, or maybe even more times before succeeding. Failure is inevitable when challenging yourself. The question is, what are you going to do about it? Most people avoid putting themselves in situations where they might fail. Or they try once or twice and … Read more

It’s All About Perspective

The world looks different depending on how you look at it. What you focus on shapes your reality. If you believe the world is scary, you will see threats everywhere. If you believe the world is beautiful, you will see beauty all around. Your mind creates your perspective. So if you want to change how … Read more